England and the Commonweath

Publié le par Marine May

Churchill described England on the intersection of three circles: the Commonwealth Circle, the relationship with Great Britain and relationship with Europe. 

The Commonwealth is an example of a confederation resulting to the decentralization and the eventual disintegration of the British Empire. If we separate the word, Common = Share between subscribers and Wealth = benefits which will be shared.

England has always let a considerable degree of self government to its colonies. By the 19th century, the biggest colonies of England were dependant states but enjoyed a degree of sovereignty. In 1931, the statute of Westminster set up the British Commonwealth of nation (name imagined by Arthur Balfour) and established equality between Britain and Canada, Australia, New Zeeland, Ireland, South Africa, New Land. Thereby, special stators were given to these countries. So this created sentimental ties and was beneficial for trade.  

In 1947, India followed by Pakistan became independent. Not all the formal colonies decided to join the Commonwealth. Countries can enter the Commonwealth but leave whenever they want. Ireland did it in 1948, South Africa in 1961 and Pakistan in 1972. But South Africa and Pakistan joined again the Commonwealth in the 90th, but never Ireland.

The Commonwealth is composed of 54 states-members. Most of territories are too small to be independent state, or do not have so much economy. It’s a large organization. In the 1960th , the organization set up assistance to developing countries. The British monarch is the formal head of 16 states in the Commonwealth (the others have their own head or are republic). The Queen has a neutral political role: she smoothes out relation between members.

The most benefic point was for trade and investment within the Commonwealth. In the 60th and 70th, the Commonwealth provided assistance and dialogue between developing countries and the others. Britain in the European Community has been obliged to abandon its tax preferential with the Commonwealth countries, which had an impact on the links. Commonwealth must focus on maintenance of international peace, freedom and security, promote democracy and defend human rights. 

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The countries in blue belong to the British Commonwealth of Nation. 



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