Libya and the role of England

Publié le par Marine May

Since the 15 of february, revolts in Libya has increased until today and is not going to stop rapidly. Repression of demonstrator by the Gaddafi regime is horrible and bloody. In the Eastern Lybia, some cities such as Benghazi or Tubrouk are controlled by opposants. Countries try to help civil and this disaster situation by airstrikes. The International communauty is already thinking about what will be Libya after Gaddafi.

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France and England have roughly the same opinion about the war in Libya. Conflicts have lasted for more than two months now and NATO fears quagmire in Libya. William Hague, the Foreign Minister called NATO to intensify their military efforts in this country especially to protect vulnerable civil population. That's why England sent more planes able to strike targets threatening population. This Minister also invited other countries to do the same. In fact, Alan Juppé, chief diplomate in France, agrees with William Hague that NATO doesn't play enough his role in Lybia. Concerning the general secretary of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, he thinks that there is no military solutions, but just political solutions. 

On the 15th of April, Nicolas Sarkozy, Barack Obama and David Cameron signed a forum where they explain Libya has no future with Gaddafi in four newspapers. They wrote that a man who completly destroyed and massacred his people cannot play a role in a futur governement in Libya. If this dictator stays in the office, there will be more chaos and anarchie. Thereby, they insisted on maintening their position in Libya, NATO should continue to protect citizens in order to increase pression on the regime.

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They pointed out that after the departure of Gaddafi, it's Libya in itself and its population who will chose which regime they want to set up. Countries will help this country by implement resolutions from the Security Council of UNO but it will be Libya which will choose its constitution and leaders. 

What will be next? This situation has stayed for a long time and nobody knows when it will end. By the way, England is one the countries the most motivated to help and establish peace in Libya.

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