Headscarf: difference of opinion

Publié le par Marine May

I wached on the BBC reports from British about the banned headscarf in France. In fact, they filmed arrests of women wearing burka. That was impressing and so I wanted to know what is the real point of view of England compared to France. 


As everyone knows, on the 15th of March 2004, the French Parliament adopted a law which forbids to wear religious ostentatious signs in public areas. 

First of all, where does headscarf come from? This idea of headscard have existed since a long time but for different reasons. At the beginning, people used it to protect themselves against weather (sun, rain) when they worked. Then it became an element of social distinction; riche women wore it. Toward the 1st century, Saint Paul, in the Catholicism imposed headscarf to women especially for religious arguments. It's the first one who linked women handscarf and religion. In Islam, this symbols appeared before the death of Mahomet (prophet) during the 6th century. 

The difficulty here is that Islam is not only a religion but also an ideologie. Mohamet is at the head of Islam, of the gouvernment and the army. The Koran contained more requierements about civil society than about theology. Women are in Islam inferior at many levels than men. For exemple, woman is inferior in dignity, in law. Husband can beat his wife if she desobeys, woman is sentenced to death for adultery...

What is difficult to know is if women agree to wear headscarf or not. Globaly, they have to wear it, their father or brother or husband force them. However, some of them just would like to follow their religion, they are aware of what they do and wear voluntarily this religious chothes. In some ways, France forbids this women to pratice their religion, which could be an infringement to the freedom of worship. In other ways, this permission would creat differences between people. This is a crucial issue but France choose to forbid it. 


In England, headscarf is widely accepted and doesn't constitute an obstacle to the professional development of veiled Muslim employees. In Great Britain, 41% of British think that religious symbols at work must be excluded against 65% of French. Nevertheless, 50% of French think that their Muslim compatriots submit injustified discrimition against only 39% of British. That could mean that they are more integrated in England than in France. 

Is a real complex situation, and it's interesting to follow government evolution and laws concerning headscarf. 

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